The Huntington Homeowners' Association

St. Petersburg, Florida



February 19, 2023

The annual meeting of the Huntington Homeowners’ Association was held at 12:30 p.m. Sunday,  2/19/2023, by the swimming pool.

The meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m. by President Dave Egbert. Owners were present from 12 units. In addition, the secretary had received seven proxy ballots. Owners were present from units 4, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24 and 25. Proxies were received from units 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 14 and 22.

A quorum being achieved, president Dave Egbert opened the meeting on time.

A motion was made by Tim Baker (#16) to approve as posted the minutes from the annual meeting of 2022. The motion was seconded by Phil Foley (#15) and passed unanimously.

President's report: Mr. Egbert (#4) gave a summary of the various projects undertaken during the previous year, including repair of pool furniture, trimming of trees, pool repairs, irrigation repairs, painting over of graffiti on the alley wall, and two changes to the landscaping vendor.

Discussion of vent cleaning. Lola getting bids. The dryer vents were not cleaned in 2022, but Lola Walker (#21) said she was in the process of getting bids to do the job in 2023.

Treasurer's Report: Tim Baker gave a short report on our reserves, which are ahead of our long-term plan.

Election Of Board: Mark Welton nominated Gabriel Schlichting as a candidate for the board, to be added to the list of six others who had been nominated prior to the meeting. The motion was seconded by Robin Warren and approved unanimously. Tim Baker moved that the list of seven nominees be approved. That was seconded by Lola Walker and approved unanimously. The board members for 2023 are then Tim Baker, JA Booker, Jackie Collom, Phil Foley, Pamela Haigh, Gabrielle Schlichting and Mark Welton.

New Business:

Exterior wall. The masonry wall along the alley is clearly in need of repair and painting. The long-term reserve plan has some $17,000 allocated in 2024 for that purpose. Treasurer Tim Baker said it would not be a problem to do the job in 2023 instead. Dave Egbert said he would seek an estimate for the job from Speciality Coatings, which has previously painted the entire complex twice and also done wall repairs.

Front Gate: Phil Foley reported on an engineering appraisal that was performed on our front gate. The report included recommendations for improving the gate performance, and recommended that the association obtain a maintenance contract for the gate.  Mr. Foley is working on that.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:22 p.m.

Tim Baker


Minutes of Annual Meeting of 2023